IBM Datathon

Meet the World of Big Data,
Distribution and Decision Making

Applications are closed

September 7th



IBM & Nelt

Data Challenge

Distribution is fundamentally concerned with ensuring that products reach target customers in the most direct and cost-efficient manner. The industry is one of the most dynamic and challenging when considering all the variables that need to be accounted for.

We want you to provide the most insightful solutions possible. You can use any Data science tool that you believe will give you an edge and you will have the ultimate boost with Data analytics and visualization tools provided by IBM. We believe that when your skills meet Watson’s, you will be able to take on any challenge!

Datasets will be given by Nelt and they will consist of customer transaction data. To make a case more interesting we have provided external data from Cube about their financial and ownership records.

Read more


IBM is a leading Information technology company present in every corner of the globe with over a century of tradition.

We believe in progress - that the application of intelligence, reason, and science can improve business, society and the human condition. Through the use of Cloud computing, Artificial intelligence, data analytics, Internet of things, database management systems, and security, to name a few, we consolidate the position of businesses firmly into the 21st century.

IBM’s greatest invention and our most valuable asset is the IBMer.


Present your solution
at IBM Thinks Summit to top industry leaders

€ 3. 000

in cash and goods


Gather a team and apply until August 30th!


Engineers, Analyst and Data Scientist from the industry


Researchers and university representatives


Students with advanced knowledge of math

Teams need to consist of 3 to 5 members.